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Young adults loading a car with luggage

Adulting 101: Budget, Bank, Credit

Posted On: July 9, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Adulting 101: Budget, Bank, Credit

Moving out of your parent’s house can be an exciting adventure – whether it be to attend school or to just get out on your own.  There are a few things that would be beneficial to establish prior to packing up.

Establish a Personal Budget Make a choice – college, trade school or some other post secondary education, acquire an apprenticeship, get a job, join the military Understand how much is pulled from your paycheck...
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Tags: Bank, Budget, Budgeting Tips, credit

Picture of the top of a resume

Want a Job? Watch out for the You're Hired! Scams.

Posted On: June 26, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Want a job? Watch out for the You’re hired! scams.

It is so frustrating. You’re trying to contribute to society by finding gainful employment; you have hopes and dreams of a successful career. And just when you think you found an opportunity that is flexible and allows you to work from home…  you’ve been scammed!

Scammers post fraudulent job postings to trick applicants into providing personal information or money. The FBI posted a public service...

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Tags: hiring scams, Scams

Father and child looking out at a lake.

Your Dad’s Guide to Financial Savviness: Timeless Wisdom

Posted On: June 10, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Your Dad’s Guide to Financial Savviness: Timeless Wisdom 

Successful money management is the process of handling your finances in such a way that it allows you to use your money to achieve your goals and to get the best return. Good money managers are in control of their spending and develop habits that help them avoid debt and financial strain.

In the spirit of Father’s Day, Prevail Bank collected some of the money managing habits and words of advice that have been...

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Tags: Financial Savviness, guide to financial savvy, Savings TIps

young adult on her laptop and drinking coffee

Use Our Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Finances

Posted On: April 12, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Financial Spring Cleaning Checklist

Ah, spring time. Tax-refund season – whoopee! (Well, hopefully it’s a tax-refund season for you.)

Regardless, this is the good time of year to reset, to recheck, that all the efficiencies, security enhancements, and money-saving opportunities for your accounts and finances have been established.

Efficiencies are the automations you will want to incorporate that could simplify your life, which in turn reduces stress, and in...

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Tags: finances, financial education, financial spring cleaning checklist

4 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

4 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Posted On: March 11, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

How can I improve my credit score?

Your credit score is important because it reveals how dependable or risky you are as a borrower based on your history. The table below was borrowed from the Bajaj Finserv website. It summarizes what a credit score range signifies and the probability of a loan approval. In this blog we will provide you with 4 ways to improve your credit score.

Is your credit score affecting your life in a negative manner? Improve it. Here are some helpful tips...

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Tags: credit score, credit score tips, financial education, Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

How to Identify Counterfeit Money Blog

How to Identify Counterfeit Money

Posted On: March 11, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Is it real or fake? How to identify counterfeit money.

According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated $70 million in counterfeit bills are in circulation.  And it’s becoming more difficult to distinguish between real and fake every day.  Everyone, not just the banks, should know how to identify fake money or counterfeit, because if you knowingly try to pay for goods or services with counterfeit bills, both the Federal government and local State governments...

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Tags: financial education, how to identify counterfeit money, Savings TIps

Improve Your Financial Health Blog Thumbnail

Improve Your Financial Health. Save Money - Automatically

Posted On: February 15, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Improve your financial health. Save money - automatically.

According to a rolling representative online survey of US adults by YouGov, 12% of Americans have no savings at all; 27% have some savings, but it totals less than $1,000. Some is better than none – right?!  Times are tough. How can a person build a savings account when they’re already living paycheck-to-paycheck? The magic of auto-transfer might be the answer.

What is an automated transfer of funds?


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Tags: financial education, Financial Health, Savings TIps

Why and How You Can Improve Your Financial Health Part 2

Posted On: February 14, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Making New Year's Resolutions?

As you embark on the exciting journey of self-improvement in 2024, consider your financial health. Your credit score defines your financial health and future well-being. Your obtainment of better housing, employment opportunities, and an affordable mortgage and car loan are on the line. A low credit score typically means higher upfront costs, interest rates, and monthly fees.

As an example:  

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Tags: credit score, Credit Sense, financial education, Financial Health, Savings TIps

Recognizing Elder Financial Abuse. What to Know and What to Do.

Recognizing Elder Financial Abuse. What to Know and What to Do.

Posted On: February 5, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Recognizing Elder Financial Abuse. What to Know and What to Do.

Imagine a family member offers to buy groceries for an elderly grandparent. The family member uses the grandparent’s debit card to buy groceries while also buying many items for their own personal use with the debit card without the grandparent’s permission.

Now, imagine a person has authorized access to an older friend’s bank account to help pay bills, insurance, and rent, but instead the bills and...

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Tags: Elder Financial Abuse

Why and How You Can Improve Your Financial Health

Why and How You Can Improve Your Financial Health

Posted On: January 18, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking

Making New Year's Resolutions?

As you embark on the exciting journey of self-improvement in 2024, consider your financial health. Your credit score defines your financial health and future well-being. Your obtainment of better housing, employment opportunities, and an affordable mortgage and car loan are on the line. A low credit score typically means higher upfront costs, interest rates, and monthly fees.

As an example:  

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Tags: credit score, Credit Sense, financial education, Financial Health, Savings TIps


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