Want a Job? Watch out for the You're Hired! Scams.
Posted On: June 26, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking, Fraud
It is so frustrating. You’re trying to contribute to society by finding gainful employment; you have hopes and dreams of a successful career. And just when you think you found an opportunity that is flexible and allows you to work from home… you’ve been scammed!
Scammers post fraudulent job postings to trick applicants into providing personal information or money. The FBI posted a public service...
Sustainability: How Small changes Make a Big Difference
Posted On: June 10, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Community
At the current rate of pollution, global warming, and climate change, will the Earth become inhabitable by humans? According to a BBC Science Focus article, humans will most likely adapt and mandate change before that happens. As human pollution levels rise, so does the political imperative to do something about it. Examples include:
The Great Smog of London in 1952. That environmental circumstance was credited with 4,000 deaths,...Your Dad’s Guide to Financial Savviness: Timeless Wisdom
Posted On: June 10, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Banking
Successful money management is the process of handling your finances in such a way that it allows you to use your money to achieve your goals and to get the best return. Good money managers are in control of their spending and develop habits that help them avoid debt and financial strain.
In the spirit of Father’s Day, Prevail Bank collected some of the money managing habits and words of advice that have been...
Banks Never Ask That. Your Text May be a Scam if...
Posted On: June 3, 2024 by Prevail Bank in: Digital Banking, Fraud
For many organizations, consumers are given a choice as to how they wish to receive communications. For many that would be texting.
Texting, from a consumer’s point of view, has its benefits; it’s:
Convenient; you can respond on your time. Efficient. Text messages are typically short and to the point. Not tied to the internet, but they do rely on phone carrier networks. Messages are delivered...