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Free Community Shred Days Scheduled at Nine Prevail Bank Branches

Free Community Shred Days Scheduled at Nine Prevail Bank Branches


(2025) Shredding of confidential information is strongly encouraged as a safeguard against identity theft. Knowing this, Prevail Bank is offering the communities it serves an opportunity to shred their papers free-of-charge on the designated dates and times listed below.

As an added community benefit, Prevail Bank intends to donate $1 for every pound of paper shredded, at each of its locations, up to a $1,000 each to a local nonprofit.

So, you are not just helping yourself and Mother Earth by taking part, but also a local nonprofit. Choose the branch or date that’s most convenient for you. Safeguard your personal information by taking part in Prevail Bank’s Free Community Shred Day events.

Listed in alpha order
by Prevail Bank Location:
Nonprofit Benefiting
from Prevail Bank's Donation:
Baraboo Tue., May 13th 10-2 PM People Helping People
Eau Claire Fri., May 16th 10-2 PM YMCA of the Chippewa Valley
Marshfield Thu., May 8th 10-2 PM Children's Miracle Network
Medford Fri., May 16th 10-2 PM Operation Horses Heal
Owen Wed., May 7th 10-2 PM Friends of the Old School Inc. (FOSI)
Phillips Tue., May 20th 1-4 PM Catkins Animal Rescue
Stevens Point Tue., May 20th 10-2 PM CAP Services /  Women's & Children's Shelter
Wausau Thu., May 15th 10-2 PM Humane Society of Marathon County
Wisconsin Rapids* Thu., April 17th 9-Noon United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties

*Prevail Bank – Wisconsin Rapids encourages a $5/box donation for more than 2 boxes of paper.

A $5/box donation is encouraged for more than 3 boxes of paper at all locations unless otherwise noted. Monetary donations received by the Branch will be given to the local nonprofit listed above.

Bank-A-Count has pledged a $1 for every pound of paper shredded at the Wisconsin Rapids’ event, up to $1,000 too.

Prevail Bank is a community bank that is continuously looking for ways to give back, support those pursuing dreams, and make things better in central Wisconsin



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