Posted On: April 24, 2020 by Prevail Bank in: Digital Banking

Stay up to Date with Digital Banking Alerts!
Alerts help you keep up to date on the activity within your accounts at Prevail Bank.
- Want to know if a purchase over $1,000 was made using your account? Check.
- Want to be alerted when you’ve been paid for the week? Done!
- Want to get a notification when information is changed within your account? No problem.
By enabling and selecting the alerts you would like to receive through our Digital Banking service, you are able to better keep track of any charges, payments, potentially fraudulent activity and more from your Prevail Bank accounts. Best of all, this service is free and easy to use.
To learn how to setup alerts for your Digital Banking account, watch the Online and Mobile Banking videos, and click-thru tutorials below! For additional assistance in setting up Digital Banking Alerts, please call our support team at 800.205.0914.