Posted On: August 8, 2023 by Prevail Bank in: Community

Back to School Supply Drive 2023
In support of financially challenged families, Prevail Bank is collecting Back to School Supplies for its area school districts during the month of August.
All nine locations (listed below) are collecting backpacks, 3-ring zippered 2” binders, 24ct #2 pencils, 12ct colored pencils, 24ct crayons, 10-12ct markers, 4-8 Expo dry erase markers, yellow highlighters, rulers (with inches & centimeters), wide-ruled single-subject spiral notebooks, pocket folders, pens (blue, red, and black), scissors, glue sticks, calculators …... for students in need.
In addition to collecting supplies, Prevail Bank is donating a total of $2,250 in monetary funds and/or gifts-in-kind to local organizations to further assist those students in need.
Please stop by your local Prevail Bank location today (Monday-Friday · 9am-5pm) and contribute what you can for the benefit of our future generations.
- Baraboo WI – 110 Linn Street
- Eau Claire, WI – 2225 Fairfax Street
- Marshfield WI – 810 N. Central Avenue
- Medford, WI – 675 E. Broadway Avenue
- Owen, WI – 326 N. Central Avenue
- Phillips, WI – 204 N. Avon Avenue
- Stevens Point, WI – 5709 Windy Drive, Suite A
- Wausau, WI – 900 South 17th Avenue
- Wisconsin Rapid, WI – 1601 Lincoln Street