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$20,885 split between nine local nonprofits this holiday season

$20,885 split between nine local nonprofits this holiday season

Here to lend a hand

(2024) Another season is upon us, and how wonderful it is to take a moment to remember the blessings of this year. The fast pace of our busy lives makes each moment so precious!  It is also an honor to share that this year will be a little brighter for those in need. Between the generosity and compassion of our patrons and Prevail Bank, $20,885 will be split between nine local nonprofits!!

Through our Holiday Matching Funds campaign, monetary donations were collected from the public (Nov 12-Dec 6) with the understanding that we, Prevail Bank, will double the donations gifted, up to a total of $1,000 per branch! Each branch chose a different nonprofit. Of the total amount gifted, Prevail Bank contributed $7,122.

The benefiting nonprofits were:


Sauk County Children’s Giving Tree.  Sauk County Children’s Giving Tree is an organization that provides toys, clothing, supplies, financial assistance, and meals during the holidays to children and families in Sauk County.


Eau Claire Department of Human Services Children’s Giving Tree. A giving tree was established in the Eau Claire branch lobby that featured tags with a child’s sex, age, and interest. Ultimately, 79 gifts were provided by the public. Prevail Bank followed suit, purchasing gifts totaling $1,000 for the benefit of 35 children.


Ronald McDonald House Meals (through the Marshfield Rotary). The Rotary assists in providing comforting meals (breakfast and dinner) to families with hospitalized children who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House.


Taylor County Supportive Housing (homeless shelter). The Taylor House assists and provides safe, supportive housing for individuals and families in need.  


Owen-Withee Food Pantry. The pantry provides free emergency food and nutrition assistance to eligible low-income households. The Owen-Withee Lions Club joined Prevail Bank this year and matched the public’s donations, up to a $1,000 as well! (The $3,095 includes the Owen-Withee Lions Club’s contribution.)


Loggers United Booster Club (Phillips WI).  The Booster Club supports youth athletics and fosters community spirit.


Portage County Holiday Basket Project (Stevens Point WI).  Through Operation Bootstrap, the Basket Project provides gifts and food stuffs for a holiday meal to families in need.


Children’s Wisconsin – Child Advocacy Center (Wausau WI). The Center supports and protects children affected by abuse and neglect.


Wisconsin Rapids Family Center. The Family Center empowers families and individuals affected by domestic violence and abuse.



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